Azure Synapse Analytics(workspace preview) creation step-by-step

In this post, I'll walk through creation of Azure Synapse Analytics(workspace preview) through Azure UI. And here is my earlier post link where I walked through the Azure Synapse Analytics(formerly SQL DW).

Okay, lets start on the creation process. Search 'Azure Synapse' on creation search box and then click on Azure Synapse Analytics(workspace preview). And then follow the steps and click on create.

Once the Synapse Analytics gets created, go to the resource and land on the home overview page. This is looks like below. Overview page holds all major information. Note, SQL Server and default DB creation is part of the creation process. So, you will have the information about DB server and other details.

Click on Open under 'Open Synapse Studio' box land you on the Synapse workspace. 

This could be pretty familiar t you if you worked with Azure Data Factory. On the extreme left navigation, you have HomeDB, PipelineMonitoring etc icon which are same as Azure Data factory (ADF) UI.

Clicking on the DB icon, you can check the existing database/server there and actually you can create a new database just running a handy SQL as below.

Once DB creation completes, simply browse the Azure UI just like you do with SQL Management Studio. You can click your custom table clicking on External tables. You can run handy SQL for table creation there.

Similar ADF way we can build the pipeline here. I'm not going in details on how to create a pipeline and dataflow in this post. I'll come up in a future post.

And on the monitoring icon(second from the bottom), allow you to monitor what are the activities happening/happened through Synapse. Very simple and easy to learn. Enjoy Azure Synapse!


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