Stock Analysis Power BI Report for 2022

 Happy Holidays!

Just another day is left and new year knocking our door bell. Microsoft published lot's of splendid features in Power BI in the mid of June this year and here the link . Thank You Microsoft Power BI Team :)

In this post, I'm trying to bring a few different verities of Power BI report based on stock exchange fictitious data. The objective is to give you high level overview about what level of profit/lost has been made and from which stock and how far profit or loss has been made of.

The reports are very self explanatory. In the below report, a simple pie chart shows your total transaction volume on month wise. You'll able to understand which are the busiest month for you in this year.

Next one, is simple tabular report which tells you which stocks make your happy and how far you make your profit :) 

Below is simple and beautiful. Visualization shows you the name of the stocks which make you highest profit and how much profit you made out of it.  

And this walkthrough you till the end where you might found a few stocks where you made loss and how much loss you took. 

Now the below, funnel one, help you to understand which are your more favorite stocks where you put your bet most of the time. You can easily identify those stocks where you don't get interest at all at the end. 

Heatmap - the traditional report give you the picture. Below report brings you the total quantity of share you deal against different stocks throughout the year. Again another representational where your can find your favorite buddy.

Line chart is simpler - show you the overall profit/loss you made at the end of each month. 

And the last one below is the ribbon chart. Another visual representation of showing what you made and for whom you made this. Finally this help you to understand how much you made it :) 

What next? The report might gets over here, however, you have plenty of rooms to utilize data analysis using complex library and algorithm to brig your best strategy for next year.

Wish you all - A Happy And Prosperous New Year 2023 :)


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