Power BI October, 19 updates

Diwali and Halloween are two great festivals and knocking our door. This October month, Microsoft lances bunch of new features and some great updates on Power BI. Let’s review them in real quick way.

Under Reporting section, they introduce new Automatic page refresh for DirectQuery (preview). This is really great! In Page refresh card, you can just put 1 and every seconds whatever updates made will reflect on your report. Awesome!

Under Analytics section, they introduce new Q&A visual. Bringing natural language generation even more to the forefront of reporting in Power BI with this new Q&A visual. Just drag this visual to your report and play with keyword. It understands your query, it will suggest you the best possible result, it will point out which might be your spelling mistakes and recommend correct key word, allow me to save a keyword with meaningful value. Like a supercomputer running and standing for my key press only!!! Very useful for business users.

Now, Q&A supports SQL Server Analysis Services and Azure Analysis services. Allow to connect your data without first import the data. Super!

Below are few wonderful Visualization updates.

  •        Power Apps visual is now included by default
  •        xViz suite is a set of custom visuals that aim to meet your end-to-end BI needs

·         Hierarchical Variance Table - lets you compare to measures within a hierarchical table layout and see the variance, % variance, and how that contributes to the whole. Having number formatting, semantics formatting, row headers.
·         Linear Gauge - allows you to compare a value to a target value. In the conditional formatting card of the formatting pane, you can set the band thresholds and colors. Other formatting options include: Setting minimum and maximum values + Axis formatting + Data label formatting
·         Tag Cloud - allows you to get instant insights of the more prevalent terms in your data. key features and options include: Split phrases into individual words + Remove special characters + Exclude words + Format the word size, color, angles, and number of orientations

Data connectivity updates
  •    Sagra Emigo connector generally available
  •   Azure Cost Management

§  Supports OAuth 2.0 for authentication
§  Supports both Microsoft Customer Agreement and Enterprise Agreements (EA)
§  Includes enhancements to RI recommendations and RI usage data and the addition of amortized cost
§  Performance improvements
  •     New Workplace Analytics connector - Microsoft Workplace Analytics uses data from everyday work in Office 365 to identify collaboration patterns that impact productivity, workforce effectiveness, and employee engagement.

Data Preparation updates
·         Query Diagnostics is a powerful new feature that will allow you to determine what the Mashup Engine is doing during authoring time.

·         Data profiling enhancements
§  Text: By Text Length (number of characters).
§  Number: By Sign (positive/negative) and Parity (even/odd).
§  Date/DateTime: By Year, Month, Day, Week of Year, Day of Week, AM/PM Time and Hour within a day.
§  And more for other data types (Logical True/False), etc.

Finally, updates on Template Apps: Project Web App -  It can be connected to your own Project Web App data using your own credentials. This template app is comprised of 13 visually rich report pages to support the PWA management needs. 

Here the MS link where more detailed you can observer. Now, let’s get back to your Power Dashboard and enjoy Power BI!


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