Azure Storage Services - Part 2

This is continuing part of Azure Storage. We talked about part 1 article on this and this is second part of it.

Storage Account Settings
Following three settings that apply to the account itself
  • Name
  • Deployment model
  • Account kind

Name: must be globally unique within Azure, use only lowercase letters and digits and be between 3 and 24 characters

Deployment model: It is the system Azure uses to organize your resources. The model defines the API that we use to create, configure, and manage those resources. Azure provides two deployment models.

·         Resource Manager: the current model that uses the Azure Resource Manager API
·         Classic: a legacy offering that uses the Azure Service Management API

Microsoft recommends that you use Resource Manager for all new resources.

Account kind: Storage account kind is a set of policies that determine which data services you can include in the account and the pricing of those services. There are three kinds of storage accounts.

  • StorageV2 (general purpose v2
  • Storage (general purpose v1)
  • Blob storage

Microsoft recommends that you use the General-purpose v2 option for new storage accounts.

Account Creation Tool
Typically based on if you want a GUI and whether you need automation.

Available tools

  •  Azure Portal >> GUI based
  •  Azure CLI (Command-line interface) >> Supports Automation
  • Azure PowerShell  >> Supports Automation
  •  Management client libraries  >> Supports Automation

The Azure CLI and Azure PowerShell let you write scripts, while the management libraries allow you to incorporate the creation into a client app.


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