A Few New Exciting Features Released by Office 365 Team

New feature: Insight Services in Excel (Win32): MC147874

Insight Services in Excel is a new Office 365 feature that helps organizations make better use of their data. This feature is already available for English language customers in the Office Insider program, and we will be rolling this out for additional languages starting October 1.

How does this affect me?

Insight Services in Excel analyzes data and its structure and automatically generates a series of recommendations and useful ways to make sense of the data, including high-level summaries, statistically significant findings, and recommended visualizations.

If you are an English language customer and a part of the Office Insider program, this feature is already available to you. On October 1, we will begin rolling this feature out to Office 365 organizations outside of the Targeted Release program as well as organizations in other regions, starting with the French, German, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese markets.

Insight Services in Excel will roll out to your organization on-by-default. This feature is a part of the Intelligent Services for Office 365 and users will be able to choose to turn on Intelligent Services to get recommendations from this feature when they log into Excel for the first time. This choice will then apply to Intelligent Services across all Desktop applications. 

The rollout is expected to start on October 1 and we anticipate rollout completion to take place by the end of December. This message is associated with Office 365 Roadmap ID 33039.

New feature: Modern library content types and document templates in SharePoint Online: MC147664

Microsoft are rolling out a new feature in SharePoint Online that will allow adding document templates to a SharePoint library as any content type. We'll begin rolling this feature out soon.

How does this affect me?
With this new feature, we are adding the streamlined ability to add document templates to library content types. We’re also adding the ability to edit the New menu to add, hide, or reorder the new file type options.

We'll be gradually rolling this out to Targeted Release customers in early September, and the worldwide rollout is expected to be completed by the end of October.

What do I need to do to prepare for this change?

There is nothing you need to do to prepare for this change. Please click Additional Information to learn more.
This message is associated with Office 365 Roadmap ID 20955.

New feature: Azure Active Directory applications are moving to Office.com:MC146637

Today the Office 365 app launcher shows you 3rd party apps in the form of Azure Active Directory single sign-on applications. We are now bringing these same apps to Office.com. As a result of this change, we are removing the Office my apps page in an effort to align app locations across similar Office 365 services. 

How does this affect me?
After this change takes place, the Azure Active Directory apps will be accessible from the Office 365 gallery or the search box on Office.com. Additionally, recently used AAD apps will show up in the Apps section on Office.com.

Microsoft begin rolling this change starting today, and the roll out will be completed worldwide by the end of August.

What do I need to do to prepare for this change?
There is nothing you need to do to prepare for this change. This message is associated with Office 365 Roadmap ID: 20468.

New feature: The Microsoft 365 Public Roadmap:MC146557

Microsoft released a new version of the Office 365 Roadmap in mid-September.

How does this affect me?
In mid-September, the Office 365 Roadmap will become the Microsoft 365 Roadmap and will move to a new web location. In addition to retaining all the current information and functionality of the existing Office 365 Roadmap, the new site will include Microsoft 365 product features from Windows 10, Enterprise Mobility + Security, and Azure.

Microsoft will have redirects in place so that the deep links in any existing Message Center posts will continue to function, and any bookmarks you have set to the Roadmap will continue to work.

With the new Microsoft 365 Roadmap, you’ll be able to:

- Utilize multiple new search filters such as “product,” “cloud instance,” and “platform”.

- View additional information for the features on the Roadmap, including whether the feature is deploying in Targeted Release, preview, specialized cloud instances or worldwide. This information will be located on the feature card, or available via search in the Roadmap.

- Leverage new RSS capabilities through a custom link on the Roadmap web page. Using the RSS features feed you can subscribe to be notified of real-time feature updates, and view the notification in Outlook, supported browsers or mobile readers. Power users can use various tools to automate the handling of RSS updates to integrate them into their own 3rd party services.

Other changes that will occur are:

- The existing Office 365 URL (https://products.office.com/business/office-365-roadmap) will be replaced with a new Microsoft 365 Roadmap URL. Please note that the existing Office 365 Roadmap URL will automatically redirect to the new page.

- The "previously released" category will become the “launched” category. Launched features will remain in the “launched” category for six months after going live.

What do I need to do to prepare for this change?

You don't need to do anything to prepare for this change. Please click Additional Information to learn more. This message is associated with Office 365 Roadmap ID: 25177.

New feature: See the file card from Shared by Me and show a weekly trend for daily views and viewers on a file: MC144168

Microsoft rolling out two new features for OneDrive for Business soon. You will be able to show the file card from the files on the Shared by Me view so that you can quickly see access statistics from this view. You will also be able to see the weekly trend of daily views and viewers on a file.

How does this affect me?
With this change, your users will have the ability to hover on the file column on the Shared by Me view to show the file card. From the file card, users can click the view count to bring up the viewers panel. The viewers panel will now show a weekly chart mapping the number of views per day and number of viewers per day. This gives your users a clear picture of the amount of activity happening on your file. Note that the viewers panel can also be opened from the details pane by clicking on the view count.

We'll be gradually rolling these out to Targeted Release tenant customers in early July, and the roll out will be completed worldwide by the end of August.

What do I need to do to prepare for this change?

You don't need to do anything, but may consider updating your user training, and notifying your helpdesk. Please click Additional information to learn more. This message is associated with Office 365 Roadmap ID: 23760.


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