How to create Custom Visuals in Power BI – Initial few Steps

This post will help you to know the steps to create custom visuals in PowerBI. Microsoft defined them as well at . First things first, and you need to download and install NodeJS, in case if you do not have npm setup in your machine. 
Second step is to run couple of npm commands to install Power BI Visual Tools and create & publish the cert. Finally, create your own package and upload with the help of npm.

1.      npm install -g powerbi-visuals-tools
2.      pbiviz --create-cert
pbiviz --install-cert
3.      pbiviz new My Visual name – This will create the file under the name of your visual file.
4.     pbiviz start – You need to go to the folder where your custom visual resides, and run this command.

You can change a few things in your pbiviz.json file, like author, display name, icon, style etc.

Finally, package your file and distribute by executing the following command.
Pbiviz package

Another useful npm commands is to upgrade your visual version - npm install -g powerbi-visuals-tools – To update pbiviz version

There is another way you can place your custom visuals. Open Power BI service and click on the three DOTS in visualization and then click on Import file. Next, select the .pbiviz file from your local machine and click on open.

This file will be uploaded immediately and you will get the notification saying it uploaded successfully.

To validate this, go to the visualization area and you will see your custom visualization is in place there.

Thank you for visiting this post and hopefully it helps you.


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