
Showing posts from November, 2018

PowerApps Notes – Part 2

In earlier post , we have gone through some insights of. Continuing with that, below is another important point on how PowerApps provides internal column names. For SharePoint and Excel data sources that contain column names with spaces, PowerApps will replace the spaces with " _x0020_ ". For example, " Column Name " in SharePoint or Excel will appear as " Column_x0020_Name " in PowerApps when displayed in the data layout or used in a formula. In this post, we’ll discuss on model driven apps. Let’s start. Model Driven Apps Model-driven app design is an approach that focuses on adding dashboards, forms, views, and charts to your apps. With no code, or very little, you can build apps that are simple or very complex. In canvas apps, the designer has total control over the app layout. In model-driven apps, on the other hand, much of the layout is determined by the components you add. The emphasis is more on quickly viewing your business data ...

Information Right Management configuration in SharePoint

This post is for Information Right Management in O365/SharePoint. It is self explanatory based on the images. We' have two major areas - a) Site Collection level, b) Site Content level. Here the url to set Retention Policy in Site Collection level - https://<<SPO Site Collection URL>>/_layouts/15/policylist.aspx Below the steps - how you can set Retention Policy in Content Type level This is pretty simple. Only thing is you play around the configuration and set the rule there. Hope this will helps you!