
Showing posts from May, 2019

MyAnalytics – How Helping Business Transformation in Rapid Way

Productivity – The word surrounding with us in all times. How productive we are? How did we plan and able to execute our task? What level of smart decisions we able to take in our daily work? In daily basis, we get involved by going through more than hundreds of emails and we need to reply many of them, engaged with meetings, working with document collaborations, doing virtual meetings etc. Sometimes people overloaded with emails, and it is obvious for human being to literally go through each of the email content within your busy schedules. Sometimes exhausted with meetings, back to back from morning till late afternoon. Due to all sort of similar activities, we can assume, people participation in the meeting were ineffective. We unable to contribute our 100% there, sometimes meetings are so boring and usually ineffective. So, how can we fix all these inefficiencies and boost up ourselves to drive in a smart way. To do so, we should know where our efforts gets voided and where we...